Sustainable Policy Statement Environment: The staff and management at the Senator Hotel are proud to be an environmentally caring hotel. We believe in the protection, preservation and enhancement of our environment through good sustainable management plans, within a program of continues improvement.
• Set sound environmental objectives and targets which will be reviewed regularly.
• Minimize our environmental impact by managing our water and energy consumption, reducing our waste by reducing, reusing and recycling and minimising our use of harmful substances.
• Raise environmental awareness of our employees, customers, suppliers and the local community by communicating our Environmental Policies, and encouraging them to adopt the same.
Human Resource Management:
It is the shared commitment of the management and owners to ensure that all our employees are afforded excellent possible working conditions at all times. We believe that by treating our employees well, they in turn will continue to take the very best care of our customers.
Recruitment -We will ensure that a fair system is in place so that all applicants for available positions are fairly considered regardless of their race, age, sex, nationality, disability or religion.
Contract-Throughout the period of employment, all staff will have a contract that meets the regulations as stipulated by national law
➢ Training-We will ensure that all new employees are provided with appropriate induction and training. We will also carry out on-going monitoring and training to further develop our staff throughout their employment.
Community Policy Statement:
Purchasing -Whilst ensuring that quality of our product or is not compromised, we aim to purchase and promote produce from the local area. Wherever possible, we pay our suppliers within the credit terms they request.
Employment - The hotel recognizes the importance of recruiting local people understanding that the majority of wages will therefore be spent locally, providing secondary economic benefit to other businesses in the community. Additionally, it recognizes the long-term importance of local residents staying within the community, rather than having to seek employment elsewhere.
Donations and Charity -It is our policy to donate, where ever possible items such as furniture or linen which are no longer suitable for use within the hotel. We will offer these items to local organisations that may benefit from them. The hotel will also carefully consider how it may help the local community by the provision of in-kind support, such as protection and promotion of local traditions of points of interest, sponsorship of local groups, provision of meeting space at subsidised or no costs, or advertising space for local businesses.